Marriage During Quarantine

For those of you who are married, you are well aware at this point that marriage becomes more…interesting…when you are suddenly spending way more time with each other. Here are 5 tips to help you navigate the novelty of a quarantine. 


Nobody likes doing the same mundane tasks each and every day. Not you nor your spouse. Brighten your spouse’s day by volunteering to take care of a routine task which is typically tended to by your other half.


This is not time to get sloppy. Take a moment and look in the mirror. I mean, would you like to be quarantined with you? All I’m saying is wake up and get ready just like you would if you were going to go out. Your spouse will appreciate it. And you never know…You just might find that you not only feel better during the day but you also are more productive as well. 


This particular period of life is unique and, if we are being honest, a little unsettling. Every person responds to different situations in different ways. Depression and anxiety spike in times such as this. When your loved one is responding in uncharacteristic ways, be understanding. A warm hug or some reassuring words can go a long way. 


Parenting works better as a team. Two are better than one so make the most of the time by working together. Stand together regarding rules. Take turns putting the kids to bed. Many of you just became homeschooler families for the first time. Team up with your spouse as you approach schooling from home. ParenTeam is effective.


How many of us have known for a while that we need to spend more time with the family, eat more meals together, and simply grow stronger as a family? Now’s the time! This time of quarantine has blessed many of us with the additional family time we have been needing for quite a while. Is this time together always easy? Nope. But anything new is rarely easy. Work at enjoying each other. Make memories to be cherished during this time. Love this time. Cherish this time.

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